Our People Speak

Our Way of Life- Then, Now, and Forever

Denakkanaaga Season 1 Episode 8
August represents an important time for Alaska Native ways of life. It is a time for deep connection to the land and reliance upon its bounty. Miranda Wright addresses the essence of a Native way of life which encompasses more than survival off the land, often termed as subsistence; it includes the integral spiritual connection Alaska Native people have with their environment. Miranda addresses the significance of the Native way of life, while also highlighting some of the challenges associated with continuing that lifestyle in the present and in the future. To view “Our Way of Life- Then, Now, and Forever” visit www.morristhompsoncenter.org/past-online-events.  

This program is the August episode in Denakkanaaga’s Our People Speak series, which focuses on seasonal Alaska Native cultural topics. Please join us every second Friday of the month for discussions of a new topic by esteemed guest speakers. This program and series are proudly brought to you by the partnership between Denakkanaaga, Tanana Chiefs Conference, and the Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitors Center. Please visit the “Events” tab on the Morris Thompson Center website to view upcoming and past programs and to sign up for updates about future cultural programs. For more information about this series and other programs hosted by Denakkanaaga, please visit www.denakkanaaga.org